February 3, 2022
The Journalism class is hosting the Graduation Magazine Cover Contest 2022 for Eastmont High School.
Contestants must include the year, the Eastmont colors, artistic representation of EHS such as the mascot, pawprint, etc. This drawing has to be an original work made by a student who goes to Eastmont High School. The artwork can be digital or hand drawn; whichever suits your needs.
Students can email [email protected] or see Mrs. Medrano for more information or to have a question answered about this contest. Mrs. Medrano’s room is Room 536 downstairs.
Magazine cover entries can be submitted to [email protected], Room 536, or the Main Office.
The deadline for the Graduation Magazine Cover Contest is March 1st of this year.
The Scratching Post reserves the right to remove any entry if it is not appropriate. So make sure you do not add anything weird that could get removed.