Do we need record snowfall to delay school or close campus?


Record snowfall covers car

Samuel Kalkowski

After living through the greatest winter storm of all time in the Wenatchee Valley, which overtook the record for the most snow recorded in one downfall, the question is, “Does Eastmont need 22 inches of snow to make a delay or closure of campus?”.

Up until the sixth of January 2022, the record in the Wenatchee Valley was 17.7 inches in one downfall. With 22 inches of snow massively blowing that record through the roof, it leads to wonder if it should take less snow to cause a snow delay after seeing how difficult it was to deal with. 

A quote from a senior attending Eastmont High School stated, “With being right across the river to another school district, Wenatchee. It is difficult for me to understand why they would have a snow/ice delay while we are attending normal hours. Their weather cannot be that drastically different from Eastmont’s, leading me to wonder why we don’t have them the same time they do.”

On snowy and icy mornings where the safety of students driving significantly moves down, the question is why is there never an hour or two delays depending on the severity of ice and slush covering main roads, back roads as well as driveways.

With Eastmont High School as well as schools across the country got used to online learning, there is no reason for students to risk crashing and risking their safety just to make their first period at 7:45 on time. 

An Eastmont Junior stated, “It is difficult to get to school when there is snow and ice on the road because of how far I live from the school. When there is no delay I am rushed and usually end up being late to my first period.”

With seemingly more students coming from rural places to Eastmont High School than Wenatchee Highschool, creating and enforcing snow/ice delays when needed would benefit students traveling from longer distances tremendously.

An Eastmont Senior explained, “If we had delays when needed during the snowy and icy mornings, it would allow safer commuting to school for students as well as staff.”