Do you feel safe at Eastmont?
February 23, 2023
I went around Eastmont to ask if students feel safe at our school? The three students I asked Francisco Avila, Travis Sydenstricker, and Ethan Sanchez.
Most of them agreed on the safety of this school and to having problems with the school bathrooms.
As I asked them “Do you feel safe at Eastmont?”
“Sure, just not the bathrooms. They Are wack” said Avila
Asking him “How could we fix them?” he replied, “Fix the locks on the bathroom.”
When asked, what’s the safest school you have been to? Avila replied, “This one. I use to go to Wenatchee”
I then asked Travis the same questions, “For most part, the bathrooms I feel less secure in the bathrooms.”Asking Travis how the school could fix the bathrooms he told me, “ Bigger dividers in the urinal”
When asked what’s the safest school you have attended, he responded: “Sterling”
The final person I talked to about school safety was Ethan Sanchez who said, “ For the most part besides when their law enforcement was close by”
I asked him how we could fix that problem his responders had. “Reduces the amount of law enforcement officers and disarms them”
He personally felt the safest at Clovis.
As that wrapped up some of the opinions about our school safety and if you would like to put in your input please reach out to one The Scratching Post Staff at [email protected].