Senior Advice to Juniors


Ellie Prazer, Reporter

As we, the seniors of Eastmont High School, are only weeks away from graduating I wanted to ask some seniors for advice they think would be beneficial to the juniors. With this, the juniors are weeks away from becoming seniors; little do they know, the time will fly by. 

Senior Adrianna Klinkenberg stated, “I know everybody says this, but it does go by really fast. So make the most of your last year, go spend time with your friends, and make as many memories as you can.”

This is a recurring piece of advice given by seniors. Many seniors, including me, do not actually realize how fast senior year actually goes. We seem to take it for granted and regret not saying yes to every opportunity. 

“Take every opportunity you can and have fun,” stated by Senior Grant Johnson. 

As well as having fun, do not say no to an opportunity that could benefit you just because you are afraid. Your senior year is your time to grow and learn. So, do not be afraid because you might regret not doing some things down the road.

Senior Karen Banuelos stated, “Don’t be afraid to fail a little bit because this is the last phase where you are more able to fail and learn from it.”

Many seniors fall into this thing called “senioritis.” Seniors think that since they already have a plan for their future that high school suddenly does not matter. But, you still have to pass your classes and graduate. Trust me, you do not want to give up on your final trimester of your high school career. It will only make the end of your senior year more stressful and difficult. Do yourself a favor and get your work done.

Here is some advice on how to stay motivated from senior Jade Goulet: “There are going to be moments in your senior year when motivation is nowhere in sight, but keep going, enjoy the moments you have left with your peers, go out of your comfort zone and meet some new people. Just make the most out of it, it helps you remain motivated to keep going.”

Juniors: take those opportunities, stay motivated, enjoy it while it lasts, and most importantly have fun because before you know it you will be moving your tassel to the left.