Q- What do you like to do in your free time?
A- Make coffee or matcha, watch a move, clean, organize, do makeup
Q- What are your feelings on graduating in June?
A- So much nerves and excitement, but I am looking forward to it
Q- Do you plan on going to college after high school?
A- Yes
Q- What is your comfort show?
A- Jane the Virgin, The Flash
Q- If you could be any animal what would it be?
A- A monkey, I like how playful they are
Q- What is your favorite superhero and why?
A- Spiderman, because he shoots webs
Q- If you could travel anywhere with no price range where would you go?
A- Bora Bora, because of the water
Q- What is your biggest goal in life?
A- To be successful and happy with a good steady career and a big beautiful family
Q- What is the hardest part of the week for you?
A- Waking up to go to school, getting ready, finding an outfit.