This year EHS offered a new class to its students, Intro to Medical Careers which is being taught by Mr. Culberston.
This class is designed to help students find a career in the medical field. The class shows students that there’s many different jobs in healthcare besides doctors, nurses, and dentists. Some involve working with patients, while others don’t. So even if you prefer to not work directly with patients there’s plenty of options left.
The class is structured so that every three weeks, the students go through a module that shows them the skills that they’ll need and use for a particular position. They’re also learning things they might do in that position. Students take turns learning different jobs in the medical field. The goal is to find what they’re interested in to pursue after high school
If you’re interested in taking his class Mr. Culbertson would like to say, “You get to do lots of hands-on activities, and there’s very little teacher lecturing at you, get to take control of your own body, and there’s activities like every day if not then every other day.”
When interviewing the students they were asked if they have anything to say to the students that are interested in taking this class next year.
Lea Gonzalez, a junior said “Make sure you do your work on time, if not you’ll get behind and it would be hard to catch up.”
Students were asked who they would recommend this class to.
Ricardo Borjas, an 11th grader said. “Students that are interested in exploring the medical field.”
Additionally, Occupations Students of America (HOSA) is a new club offered this year and the advisor is Mr. Clubertson. There, they meet every other Thursday after school at room 745 after school. Students don’t have to be taking the class to be in the club.
In club meets Mr. Culberston brings in a specialist that works in the medical field. They talk about their job and what it’s like to work there. They also answer questions that the students have for them.