The Sonic 3 movie, is the third installment of the Sonic movie franchise based on the popular video game ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’ created by SEGA. The movie premiered in theaters across America on December 20th 2024, and earlier in other parts of the world on December 10th 2024. The movie has been pretty successful in the box office and has been positively reviewed during its opening weekend, even competing with Disney’s movie ‘Mufasa’ which at the time, Mufasa had more screens than Sonic 3. Despite that, the movie still continues to grow and chug along fine. This review will be mostly spoiler free to not ruin the experience if you decide to go see yourself or sometime in the future.
The first Sonic movie came out in 2020, and it was very successful, enough to warrant a sequel which came out in 2022. Two years later, we would get the third sequel to the line up, picking up after the last events of Sonic 2. But is the new Sonic movie better than both previous films, and is the third movie itself even good?
After going to a theater and watching the film, it was not what my brother and I were expecting. The movie has definitely improved from the sequel in a lot of aspects, the characters, writing, plot, jokes, and the arcs ETC. It was engaging and entertaining to watch the movie, and in addition the movie does a good job of explaining the character arcs and giving every character a chance to have a good playing role in the film. Nothing in the film feels out of place nor does it have any moments where it makes you wish you were watching a different movie. Though to clarify this movie is not perfect, however that does not discredit how good this film is, but there are some actual criticisms for the movie. To start off with, the performance from the character who played Maria felt a little weak, and her backstory is also a little weak as well. Some characters like Commander Walters and Director Rockell’s role in the movie could’ve been more impactful than it was, and some scenes felt that had happened a little fast or how a few problems were resolved too quickly, but those could be seen more as nitpicks as the rest of the movie is good.
The movie casts a few well known actors like Jim Carrey to both play as Doctor Eggman and his grandfather, as well with Keanu Reeves playing Shadow the Hedgehog. The performances from the actors were really good in this movie, especially from Jim Carrey who was able to play as two characters at once and manage to make them feel separate and good in their own right. The rest of the actors did really great as well, the performances were really good and gave the characters more emotion, especially with Sonic and Shadow. The song choices were also pretty great for this movie, it fits into the film pretty well. The effects were also fantastic, the visuals and the cgi models for our fictional friends are done really well.
Overall, the movie was very enjoyable to watch, and would highly recommend going to go see it if you’re slightly interested or you yourself are a sonic fan in some way.