This year’s Spring musical is Big Fish, a tale of whimsy and heart based on the film adaptation directed by Tim Burton. The musical features some of Eastmont’s most talented actors and actresses, including leads MaryElise Clinton, Maclain Larson, and Grant Chisholm. The musical will debut in the second week of April in the EHS auditorium.
Why should you go? Katelynn Sanford, a sophomore and actress in the musical says “Big Fish is a great show with an even better story. It is about imagination, love, and discovery. I am so excited to be a part of the amazing cast that brings Big Fish to life for you.”
What is the musical about? Big Fish revolves around the relationship between a father (Edward Bloom) and his son (Will Bloom). Edward Bloom raised his son Will talking about stories from his past that seem impossible; meeting a giant? A mermaid? The stories are so unbelievable, that Will feels as though he doesn’t even know his father. As Will is to become a father himself soon, and Edward has fallen gravely ill, Will feels the need to explore the stories Edward has told him throughout the years and find out the truth.
Beloved choir teacher and director Brittany Stevens says “Big Fish is a really fun show, and it’s going to be very well done. We have some incredible singers and actors playing larger-than-life characters, and I haven’t been this excited about a show in a while. It’s a very whimsical and heartfelt story about family.”
Even if musicals aren’t your normal idea of fun, Big Fish has a little of everything anyone can enjoy: romance, mythical creatures, a heartfelt storyline, and an amazing cast and crew ensure the success of this amazing musical.