On February 18, 2025, all teachers at Eastmont High School started using a new pass system called Smart Pass.
The Smart Pass is a digital pass for students to make to be able to go outside of the classroom, so the teachers don’t have to handwrite passes anymore, it also gives a certain amount of time to be out of the classroom.
One of the students here at EHS Rowyn Hewitt stated ¨ it’s beneficial but it’s dumb I don’t like it.
The Smart Pass started as a teacher initiative to look into new pass systems for students, it also costs $3.50 per student per year.
Assistant Principal Tom McRae said, “This started with the Site Council as a teacher initiative in looking at student passes, the number given out in a day, the length of time students are out of class for various needs, and etc. I started researching and found a couple of different programs. After meeting with company reps and presenting to staff, we decided to do a trial run to see if this would help with concerns around student passes.”
Many of the teachers at EHS are enjoying this new technology.
Mrs. Mayfield, Foods teacher, says ¨ I love it, its convenient for teachers, saves me time, and is convenient for students too, it keeps track of how many times they have left the classroom and their time management too.