The Eastmont Senior High School educatedes 1,454 students in total. All in the age where they can acquire a license and drive their own car. However, the parking lot of The Eastmont Senior High School currently only holds about 420 cars with the given student parking spaces, including the parking spaces in the 3rd street where it was renovated last summer of 2024. Although not all students may drive their car, the 420 parking spaces given to students are not even close to half of the total students highlighting the trouble it brings to students. Many Students have to show up to the parking lot 30 to 45 minutes before school starts for a chance to get a spot. Even worse, there are many cases where students arrive at school on time, but the lack of parking space causes the students to be late.
Collin Ubrig, a senior at the high school said, “The school fails to think in the students’ perspective. Even though students may arrive on time, many of them have to find parking spaces far from school due to lack of capacity in the EHS parking lot. The long walk to school may even take 15 to 20 minutes.”
Collin highlights the trouble the school parking lot brings to students. More testimonials followed by other students highlights the seriousness of the situation.
Fisher Nicolet, a 3 year senior at EHS, “This parking lot is the sole reason why I am constantly late to my first period. The limited parking spaces doesnt give me lot of options”
Furthermore, another student of EHS highlights the school’s ticketing effort against the students for parking in designated parking spots.
Otaro Inoue, current senior at the high school, “I have been fined multiple tickets, almost totalling to 50 bucks in total. How am I supposed to not park in teachers’ or visitor’s parking spaces when there are no spaces no park in the lot or even 10 to 15 minutes away?”
The voices from the students highlight the problem the Eastmont Senior High School’s parking lot brings. Not only does it take time, and space, but it also forces the students to park in the designated parking spaces making them pay a good chunk of their allowances for tickets.