Competing for a Good Cause

Erin Steele, Reporter

This week the Associated Student Body is taking part in a Make-A-Wish fundraiser for Sam Dorey to send her to Disney World. Dorey is a student at Wenatchee High and her mom, Natalie Dorey, is a teacher at Cascade Elementary in East Wenatchee.

Eastmont and Wenatchee are facing off in this competition to bring in as much money as possible for this cause. “The competition is part of the LitterBox game,” said  Eastmont senate adviser Bob Gallaher.

The LitterBox is a character competition that piggybacks on the boys’ and girls’ basketball games between Wenatchee and Eastmont. The winner receives a Golden Kitty Litter Box and 2nd place gets a smaller trophy of a cat standing in kitty litter.

Gallaher stated, “The contest has two parts. Student spirit at the basketball game and student character in bringing in money for the chosen charity.”

All proceeds go directly to Make-A-Wish and that non-profit will fund Sam Dorey’s trip. Last year, the Eastmont’s fundraiser brought in $8,000 to send Parker Smith to Pearl Harbor. “Last year we brought in just over $5/student while Wenatchee just broke $3/student,” stated Gallaher.

This year’s LitterBox game will be held in Eastmont’s main gym on December 8. Gallaher encouraged students to come out and support not only EHS but Sam Dorey as well. “Kindness Counts and I know that we will do an amazing job in helping out Sam as much as we can.”