Eastmont’s Student Leaders Get Organized

Rebekah James

More stories from Rebekah James

Buddy Walk
December 1, 2017

FCCLA, Family Career and Community Leaders of America, is a community service based club at Eastmont was pushed into the limelight by Lynann Dejarnett and Kathy Addleman four years ago. It has always been a club; however, Dejarnett and Addleman wanted the club to grow and gain a larger following. FCCLA is, “such an amazing student-led organization. I wanted the students to be apart of something bigger than themselves,” stated, club adviser, Dejarnett.

FCCLA is a student-led organization that focuses on allowing students to, “have the opportunity to find something greater than themselves to be apart of”, explained Dejarnett. The students are able to participate in star events, which are the competitions FCCLA can compete in, students can compete in any category of their choosing.

Junior Ariana Vargas, the president of FCCLA, explains, “There are hundreds and hundreds of star events, and you pick something you are passionate about. There is fashion design [or] you could do a poster about awareness”

Students compete in these Star events at a regional level with the opportunity to make it to state and even nationals.

Eastmont School District has had at least one participant go to nationals every year since FCCLA has been active. This begs the questions: Why is it that not many people seem to have heard about FCCLA? Why is it that FCCLA is not widely reported on?

“FCCLA has a requirement of [a student] being in a Family consumer science class. So it’s not really open to everybody so I think that probably limits us to the students,” explained Dejarnett.

Family Community and Career Leaders of America is described by Dejarnett as, “the ultimate student-led organization,” it is a way for students to develop leadership skills and be apart of something that has their future careers in mind.