Leavenworth Reindeer Makes a Visit to Lee Elementary

Leavenworth Reindeer Makes a Visit to Lee Elementary

Lee Elementary had a visit from a reindeer on Wednesday, December 13 thanks to Mrs. Huguenin, who organized this event. “We do a compare and contrast between caribou and reindeer, the relationship between the two. So we do make it academic.”

The event took place from 9 to 11  on a Wednesday morning. Small groups of children came out to get an educational lesson on the reindeers starting with 4th graders and going down the line by grades.

“They were here last year too… They were just starting out last year but this year took off like crazy…” Mrs. Huguenin sounded very happy and one can only hope that this becomes an annual tradition at Lee Elementary. “My friends own the farm so they were just starting it out and so we talked about it and I asked if they would bring him here to start it out and they did.” It only takes one person with a brilliant idea to start something wonderful that is sure to make memories. “Last year we had a competition. Who could name the reindeer because they had one reindeer that didn’t have a name. So they brought that reindeer and then we named it Snowflake. We all voted and then entered a contest.”

During the chilly morning in which the reindeers were put out for exhibit at the school, the children seemed more interested in why the reindeers had “white butts” as one kid asked or more interested in screaming in disgust after a reindeer had pooped out feces that looked like “chocolate colored raisins” and peed before proceeding to lick up its pee.

The question everyone wanted answered was “can reindeer fly”? It was confirmed at the end that yes, reindeer can fly.